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Sustainable Investment Policy

Patrimonia’s Sustainable Investment Policy is one of the instruments established by the Foundation to exercise its social and environmental responsibility. Adopted by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Investment Committee and in association with external consultants with specialist knowledge, the Policy defines Patrimonia’s approach to investing its assets and exercising its shareholder rights in a responsible manner.

Patrimonia’s Sustainable Investment Policy covers the three main areas, namely the exercise of shareholder rights, portfolio management (stock selection criteria) and management of direct real estate.

Exercise of shareholder rights
Patrimonia actively exercises its shareholder rights whenever possible. Patrimonia also participates in platforms that enable it to encourage a certain degree of shareholder activism and to maintain a dialogue with the management of companies in which it is a shareholder. We have consequently been a member of the Ethos Engagement Pool since 2011.

Portfolio management
Patrimonia incorporates ethical, environmental and social criteria in its investment decisions. The aspects of sustainability are thus part of the dialogue with existing asset managers as well as during the selection of new asset managers. For example, the majority of asset managers that we enlist have signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

Management of direct real estate
The Patrimonia Foundation directly holds several residential rental properties. These properties have been selected and are managed in accordance with environmental and social standards, such as the Swiss Minergie standard which aims to reduce energy consumption in buildings by promoting the rational use of energy and the use of renewable energy sources.

To fin more, read the 2023 Patrimonia Sustainability Report.