Financial management
Pursuant to its Investment Regulations and within the related federal legal framework (OOB2), the Patrimonia Foundation manages its assets by adhering to the principles of security, diversification, yield optimisation and management of liquid assets.
Patrimonia’s portfolio is composed of movable and immovable assets. The real estate includes the income from properties that are owned by the Foundation. Movable assets are defined as various financial investments: shares, bonds, etc.
The past performance of our investments may be viewed on this website, whether in the form of consolidated graphs (changes to performance and the coverage ratio), or via the detailed reports submitted on a monthly basis by our investment consultant.
Maintaining the financial equilibrium,
The spread of these different types of investments is determined by the strategic allocation, the purpose of which is to ensure the long-term financial equilibrium of the Foundation.
This strategic allocation takes account of specific Foundation parameters and precise market conditions. The Board of Trustees supervises dedicated committees that are in charge of managing Patrimonia’s assets.
Sustainable investment
As an investor, the Patrimonia Foundation was one of the first institutions to commit to fully assuming its social and environmental responsibility. It is accordingly implementing a Sustainable Investment Policy, and has been publishing a Sustainability Report since 2019.