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At the service of employers

At Patrimonia, the employer is regarded as a genuine partner. We are there to serve you and to cooperate with you in the interests of the insured persons and pensioners. You can find essential information about your Foundation and its benefits on this website.

Patrimonia guarantees its pensioners and their survivors benefits in the event of retirement, disability and death. The articles of association and regulations of the Foundation accordingly define various benefits in the context of core values (including proximity) and sound governance (based on independence and transparency).

Quality information
Information is, moreover, an important aspect of the service that we wish to offer our pensioners. You have the opportunity to follow our news on this website (News page and newsletter TODAY).

Live web

Our secure online “Live web” service enables you to access, via the Internet, all the data of insured persons as well as a wide range of online services. It is in fact possible to run simulations, draft documents and transmit transfer orders (input, output, adjustment of salary and degree of occupation, simulation of salary changes and degree of occupation, etc.) from your workstation at any time.

Access the Live Web